Caring for the patient's safety is always paramount to us
Patient safety in the provision of health care is generally understood as the prevention of adverse events, such as infection, with an effort to minimize damage to the patient and achieve high-quality healthcare.
In our clinic, patient safety and the quality of the procedure are always paramount, as evidenced by the tens of thousands of performed surgeries under the leadership of Dr Ivo Ďurkovič, MPH, without a single case of endophthalmitis. Endophthalmitis is a severe intraocular inflammation, which may occur as a reaction to the lens material residue after a cataract surgery, or it is a toxoallergic reaction to the intraocular lens material. By adhering to the highest standards of hygiene, the latest operating procedures and the use of a unique technology, we prevent the possibility of endophthalmitis, which can lead to blindness.
New femtosecond laser Ziemer FEMTO LDV Z8, which is also used in cataract surgery.

New femtosecond laser Ziemer FEMTO LDV Z8, which is also used in cataract surgery.
Cleanliness, hygiene, and sterility are important to us
3 criteria for a safe operating room
1. Safety – before entering the operating room, each patient receives disposable clothes from a very durable material, with an antibacterial effect against pathogenic agents and also suitable for allergy sufferers.
2. Sterilization of surgical instruments and surgical accessories - at our clinic we use STATIM brand sterilizers from a renowned Canadian manufacturer. At the same time, we use disposable surgical sets, which always serve only for a single patient. High sterility in practice means a lower risk of contamination with particles from clothing, infections and post-operative complications.

All instruments used in surgeries go through mechanical cleansing first, followed by sterilization for at least 12 minutes.
3. HVAC in the operating room – air conditioning, cooling and heating of the operating room are subject to special hygienic requirements and requirements for the surgery and replacement of antibacterial filters. In our operating room we have special ventilation system by the brand DAIKIN, which provides laminar air flow. It is a special medical ventilation system which ensures that the air is exchanged, but the air velocity is minimal.
Quality, high purity, sterility, professional composition of the medical team and, in particular, the references should be a necessary criterion when choosing a clinic where you decide to undergo surgery, so that it is maximally safe for you.
At our clinic you can make sure with your own eyes.